Start your return with ReBOUND

New Era Cap Company Ltd is proud to provide our customers with the finest quality products. However, if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can return any of the items from your order. Simply return them unworn and unlaundered within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. To do this follow the instructions on the ReBOUND portal. Once your returned order is received and processed by our team, refunds can take up to 28 days to be completed. This timeframe allows us to ensure that all returned items are inspected and that the refund is accurately processed. 

Please note - we do not refund the item's normal postage charge to you unless we delivered the item to you in error (an 'Incorrect' item), or if the item is damaged or defective. 


Please note, we are offering free returns in the below regions if you use our ReBOUND returns method. Click here to start your free return now. If you choose to return your order using another method, you will not qualify for free returns and will be responsible for the return delivery costs.

Regions eligible for Free Returns:
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- France
- Italy
- Spain *excludes Balearic and Canary Islands

If you are located outside of these regions, unfortunately you will not qualify for free returns and will be responsible for return delivery costs, you can still start your returns process by visiting the page.